Thursday, July 15, 2004

A Rock, a Doc, and a Proposal

Jacob, my 4 year old, and my entertainment, has managed to AGAIN provide me with a night of smiles.

He spent Wednesday with a new babysitter. I was very worried about how he would do as he tends to be very shy with new people. Upon picking him up, I realized I needn't worry. He greeted me with his usual big hug and informed me right away that he would be happy to go back there the next day.

As we left the sitter's front door and made our way to the van, Jacob managed to find a "pretty rock" in her driveway. I guess to the 4 year old eye, it may have been a pretty rock. To me, it was merely a little stone, like every other stone I had ever seen. But Jacob, it was beautiful. He insisted on bringing it in the car to carry home.

Well, home wasn't exactly where we were headed. I needed to go have a cortizone injection in my wrist (c/t syndrome) so we were off to Jacob's favorite doctor, Dr. Lewis. I informed him that I would be having a shot in my wrist.
"Don't worry mama," Jacob said, "I'll hold your hand so you not be scared, o.k?"
"O.k." I said, and then we were there.

First the nurse took my vitals, you know the routine. Then it was off to the procedure room. I sat down on the table and right next to me was my precious little boy - holding my hand. Dr. Lewis, our family physician and our favorite doctor, decided after a little small talk he was just going to jab my wrist - no numbing involved. I squeamed :) and then turned to look at Jacob who had little tears building up in his eyes. The tears? No, they weren't because mommy was in pain, they were because I was squeezing his hand so tight I nearly broke his little fingers... my poor baby. I immediately let go and he assured me he was o.k.
"You not scared, right mama?" he asked.
"No, I wasn't scared" I thanked him for holding my hand and we were back to the van.

Of course, as soon as we are out of the parking lot, Jacob yells from the back "MY ROCK!! Mama! My pretty rock!!"

He left it at the doctors. The problem? I was already in the parking lot of K-Mart (quick return to take care of). So as we walk into K-Mart my little boy is crying uncontrollably about this little tiny rock. I promise him we would go back and look.

Look we did. Even the nurse and the receptionist helped. No rock. I offered him a new one from the parking lot, he threw it across the lot. "It's ugly Mama, not pretty like mine."

He cried a little and then realized we were on our way to get his brothers, so instantly, it was as if that rock just didn't matter.

2 hours later - the rock mattered again.

He was so tired and was fighting the idea of bed. He started crying. "What's the matter?" I asked him. "I just miss my pretty little rock" he said. I hugged him tight and told him I would help him pick a new one out in the morning.

He rolled over as if to fall asleep. Suddenly, he rolled back over "Mama," he said, "I love you."
"I love you too buddy"
"Mama, will you marry me?"
"I can't marry you buddy, I'm sorry" I replied.
"You right mama. I have to wait until me bigger like you first."
"Yes honey, that would be a good idea." I smiled.
"Yeah, so maybe when me five" he sighed, "then you marry me."
And in the next instant, he was asleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OHHHHHH. . . I loved this story. . . there were so many precious things! Jacob is learning how to keep his mommy safe already. (Must be modeled at home :) wink). He would love my class. Ask any of my boys what there job is. . ."to take care of the girls". I tell them when I go out with a group of boys, they open the door for me, walk in front of me and my girl friends to make sure we're safe. I guess I'll have to add, go into the doctor's office and hold my hand if I get a shot.