Wednesday, October 27, 2004

My Teething Prayer

As I picked my children up from the babysitter's house tonight and began my 7 minute journey home, I decided that children should get all of their teeth at once. Enough of this teething garbage - over and over and over again.

Tonight, once again, Kyle displayed all the signs of the unhappy teether. The happiness, followed by sudden screams of terror, and the gnawing and drooling.

The thing is, these stupid teeth have been right there, RIGHT THERE, for 3 weeks now!!! It's like they are teasing me. They are deliberately hanging out just below the gum line to see how long it takes before I pull out all my hair and go crazy. At that point, they will pop out. So I have already gone crazy and Kyle is working on my hair so it shouldn't be long.

I have learned in the last few years of my life that prayer is the most wonderful thing you can do in your life. In fact, you should do it every day whether you need something from God or not. I have found that in the last few years, God doesn't only know my name, but He knows the sound of my voice. He knows the tones of my voice. He knows when I am in need or when I just want to chit-chat. Tonight, before I go to sleep, I have already constructed my prayer to God. It goes a little something like this:

Dear Father God,
I realize that it is too late to change things in the life of my child Kyle, but in the future, I think it would be a most beneficial thing to other parents if you would just allow their children to cut all of their teeth in at the same time. One night of crying and then "Presto" make all of their teeth appear....
And since it is too late to do that for Kyle, Father, I ask you to please, please, please, please, please, please, please let these two stupid teeth come in tomorrow...
Once again, thank you.

P.S. then the next day, can you make the rest appear?

Saturday, October 23, 2004

At Long Last...

The Mitchell Park Domes, a trip to Illinois, and some much needed R&R!

This is how I spent my last week with my children...

Alex (my 8 year old) has his class field trip to the Metro Park Domes in Milwaukee. I chaperoned this year as I had recalled enjoying this field trip myself when I was little. It was a nice day. Alex and I butt heads a lot since we are so much alike, but that particular day was so nice for us. We joked around, smiled, laughed, and really enjoyed having the company of one another. I learned a lot about him that day - including that when I pack him lunch, he eats the dessert first. HOWEVER when I am there, then he has to eat it last!

Wednesday, Mark and I got up early and packed up to head to Illinois with Jacob and Kyle. We spent a few days at Mark's grandparents home in Oak Forest. I think the fun part of this trip is Jacob's pure excitement. The entire way down there he spoke of the fun things he was planning on doig when we got there.

"First, I am going to go down the bumpy stairs, then I am going to dance with Papa. Maybe I am going to teach him my bowling dance" he said with so much excitement that I thought his face was going to fall off!

The visit was very fun for him. He spent most of the time playing UNO cards with Grandpa. Sorting the deck and then pretending to attack Grandpa's cards, taking all of them. They laughed and laughed. It's so sweet to see this.

Jacob even made a new little friend while we were there. A little boy named Ryan who stays with his grandmother sometimes. They played sidewalk chalk and Spiderman. I even traced the two of them in the driveway with chalk so they could see how big they were and then they color themselves in. He really enjoyed him. In fact, the two of them played so well together, Jacob cried when it was time to come in and have dinner because then Ryan had to go home.

Kyle was another story. He was into everything. Standing by the tables, desk, chairs - Mark and I spent more time chasing him around picking everything up before he could wreck it! He was funny and I think Grandpa and Grandma really enjoyed him as well.

Our trip home was long as we hit Friday afternoon traffic leaving Chicago. I am so glad I don't live there! We sidetracked a little as we went to visit Papa Wayne for a bit. Jacob must have asked "How much longer?" about 1,000 times! But at long last, we were home.

Now, it's just laundry and time to clean and to deal with the dog who missed us all terribly.

It's nice to get a vacation once in a while, but it really stinks to know that come Monday, it's all over for another year!

Thursday, October 07, 2004

When I Grow Up

Latest topic of conversation at my house? What do you want to be when you grow up?

Travis, my 11 year old, says he doesn't know. He thinks maybe he'd like to be a football player. Or maybe a professional Golfer. Both of which would help me retire well... ha!ha!ha!

Alex, my 8 year old, has always loved animals. He has persistently told me he would like to be a veternarian, or a zoo-ologist (I obviously can't spell) or maybe just an animal trainer, but he knows - animals. All of these things I think would be fascinating.

Jacob, my 4 year old, the one I think should be someplace in the entertainment business, has decided for him it will be an artist. He discovered the other day that artists get paid for coloring pictures and since that is his FAVORITE thing to do - he is pretty certain he would be good at that. In fact, he asked me "Mommy, do people really pay money for pictures I color with my crayons and markers?"

"Well, kind of" I told him.

"That's so sweet" he said, "How easy that will be, cuz I'm good."

He is good. As good as a 4 year old can be I suppose. He is learning how to stay in the lines when he colors in a coloring book, but his favorites are things like houses and people. I find his drawing adorable... but I am his mom, and I don't have to pay for them.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Whew! I'm Old!

"Mom, Mom, can we do this please!!! ??" Alex begs as he comes home from school one day.

"Do what?" I ask.

"A 1/2 mile run for Audubon Days?"

"Sure, I wouldn't see why not."

"Will you walk with us?"

"What? I thought you said it's a half mile run?" I ask with a tone of confusion.

"It is, but you can walk too. Won't that be fun, Mom?"

Fun? Fun? Does this child realize how out of shape I am? I do realize that it ISN'T running for me - but I can hardly walk a half mile up the road to my neighbors, let alone 2 MILES! Ugh!

"Sure honey" I agree, "I'll walk."

What? What did I just agree to? I am crazy!

This was a week ago.

Today, is day two after this walk and I am still sore! I have managed to learn one extremely valuable lesson from this whole mess - no matter how cute your children are when they beg - THINK before you agree!

This started on Saturday morning. I wake Jacob and Kyle up early to take them with me. Oh, did I forget to mention that I would also be PUSHING a double stroller while I struggle to make it 2 miles? Yes, I am crazy.

We get up, dressed, fed and out the door by 8:15 a.m. This in itself is quite the record at my house. We get in the van and Jacob wants to say one last good-bye to Daddy, so I need to roll down my window.

"Good Bye Daddy!" he yells and is quite happy now.

The problem? My window won't go back up. The second problem? It's 34 degrees out!!

The 7 mile drive into town that morning was enough to make me want to crawl back in bed under a blanket! But, we arrived to pick up Travis and Alex and head to the park.

We get to the park, register and away we go. (Alex stayed behind as the half mile run was an hour later).

The first part of the walk didn't seem too bad. We walked down Main Street - pretty simple. Travis kept me company and we talked. I thought, "this is nice - a nice walk with my children on a beautiful Saturday morning". Then we turned the corner, and we turned the corner again...

a hill

a steep hill

with a stroller

a double stroller


Now I needed help. I was dying. I never thought I would make it up that hill. Travis even had to help me push a little so I could catch my breath! Wow! I am old and out of shape but this will be over soon, right?


We venture around a corner, down a steep hill, around another corner and then...

in front of me....

a sign...


"What the hell is that?" I ask my 11 year old.

"MoM!" he says.

I can't possibly make it another mile!

Meanwhile he is skipping around!!!

So I put on a smile and push and push that stupid heavy stroller and finally 22 minutes later (a total of like 45 minutes since the start of the race) I cross that finish line...


Yep, he ran across that finish line and was still ready for his 1/2 mile run in only 15 minutes!


Yes... that's me!