Saturday, October 23, 2004

At Long Last...

The Mitchell Park Domes, a trip to Illinois, and some much needed R&R!

This is how I spent my last week with my children...

Alex (my 8 year old) has his class field trip to the Metro Park Domes in Milwaukee. I chaperoned this year as I had recalled enjoying this field trip myself when I was little. It was a nice day. Alex and I butt heads a lot since we are so much alike, but that particular day was so nice for us. We joked around, smiled, laughed, and really enjoyed having the company of one another. I learned a lot about him that day - including that when I pack him lunch, he eats the dessert first. HOWEVER when I am there, then he has to eat it last!

Wednesday, Mark and I got up early and packed up to head to Illinois with Jacob and Kyle. We spent a few days at Mark's grandparents home in Oak Forest. I think the fun part of this trip is Jacob's pure excitement. The entire way down there he spoke of the fun things he was planning on doig when we got there.

"First, I am going to go down the bumpy stairs, then I am going to dance with Papa. Maybe I am going to teach him my bowling dance" he said with so much excitement that I thought his face was going to fall off!

The visit was very fun for him. He spent most of the time playing UNO cards with Grandpa. Sorting the deck and then pretending to attack Grandpa's cards, taking all of them. They laughed and laughed. It's so sweet to see this.

Jacob even made a new little friend while we were there. A little boy named Ryan who stays with his grandmother sometimes. They played sidewalk chalk and Spiderman. I even traced the two of them in the driveway with chalk so they could see how big they were and then they color themselves in. He really enjoyed him. In fact, the two of them played so well together, Jacob cried when it was time to come in and have dinner because then Ryan had to go home.

Kyle was another story. He was into everything. Standing by the tables, desk, chairs - Mark and I spent more time chasing him around picking everything up before he could wreck it! He was funny and I think Grandpa and Grandma really enjoyed him as well.

Our trip home was long as we hit Friday afternoon traffic leaving Chicago. I am so glad I don't live there! We sidetracked a little as we went to visit Papa Wayne for a bit. Jacob must have asked "How much longer?" about 1,000 times! But at long last, we were home.

Now, it's just laundry and time to clean and to deal with the dog who missed us all terribly.

It's nice to get a vacation once in a while, but it really stinks to know that come Monday, it's all over for another year!

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