Sunday, May 04, 2008

2000 Flushes of Fun

Who would have ever guessed that when Mark went to the store to buy a toilet bowl cleaner that he would have purchased more laughs for the boys than any new toy they received in months!!

Mark picked up a pack of 2000 Flushes Blue for the toilet bowl and wanted to be sure after putting it in that Kyle knew that the water would be blue when he flushed it so he wasn't worried.

He called him into the bathroom to point it out and the laughs began! For the next 20 minutes he and Jacob laughed out loud discussing the color the water would be if they went pee or what if they went pee and poop!

Kyle immediately had to use the bathroom to check this out and cracked up when the water turned green after going pee!!

I guess the next time your children are bored and you are searching for something fun, pull out the 2000 Flushes and let them have the time of their lives!!