Friday, November 14, 2008

Lazy Mama

So my little Kyle, my 4 year old little angel, has been going to a babysitter a few days a week lately. I am not sure that this is as easy of a schedule change as it should be...

Every morning when I try to wake him up, I fight with him...

He puts the covers back over his head.

He keeps his eyes closed while he tells me "I'm sweepin' mama go away".

He turns the fan (which I had just turned off) back on HIGH! then covers back up his head with the blanket!

I try to tickle him... he laughs in his "sweep" and keeps his eyes closed and tells me to "stop it mama, I'm sweepin'"

Then, I kiss him. Kyle does NOT like mama kisses, he wipes it away, the whole time with his eyes closed.

The other morning I asked him, "If you are sleeping, how can you tell it's mama kissin' you and not Daddy?"

"I just know these things mama" he says with his eyes still closed, "besides, your kisses are yucky and Daddy's aren't."

After these morning fights, I finally get him to the sitter who is a friend of mine. One night at work, she tells me, "Kyle called you lazy today."

"What?" I asked shocked, well, sort-of.

Apparently one of the other little kids told Kyle that his mama looked like another kids mama. Kyle said "You're right, only my mama is lazy".

When the babysitter asked him why he said that, he replied, "she just is. She NEVER wants to get up in the morning!!"

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Daddy's Little Finger

Kyle has this...

He is wrapped around Daddy's little finger and he has Daddy wrapped around his!!

It's night time, it's bed time, it's KYLE'S bedtime. Let's keep in mind the boy is 4!

"Daddy," he comes out of the room saying with his head cocked to one side looking cute,"one more thing Daddy."

"Yes?" Daddy says.

"Um... will you talk about my Christmas presents with Mama?"

"After you go to bed" Daddy says.

"O.k" Kyle says and runs back to his room.

2 minutes later...


"Yes Kyle?"

"One more thing Daddy..."

"Yes Kyle?"

"I love you Daddy."

"I love you too Kyle."

Kyle runs back to his room.

2 minutes later...


"Yes Kyle?"

"I just want to lay by you for a whittle while" he says.

"O.k for a little while" Daddy says.

During this time, Kyle persists on asking questions, insisting that he stays a little longer, and gets his Daddy involved in quite the conversation. I wish I could tell you what time my little 4 year old goes to bed at night, but sometime around 11 each night, I fall asleep...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Time in a New Perspective

This morning, I was telling one of the girls I work with about the day that Kyle stuck a K'nex piece up his nose. I remembered that I had written about it on my blog, so I brought up the website and I printed it out.

I then found myself reading some of my old stories - mostly the ones about Jacob. It's so hard for me to remember him when he was only 4. The stories I read made me remember that little boy. My big, brown-eyed, cutie. Mommy and Daddy's precious little guy. Yet, just yesterday I was signing his planner for the 3rd grade reading a note from the teacher that he had gotten in trouble at school!!

He still is the funniest kid - just like back then. He still can bring a smile to my face in an instant with his sweetness, yet he challenges me like no other child of mine can.

I just read a story about how he crawled up on my lap to give me a "huggy" one night before bed. It was July of 2004. He still hugs me before bed sometimes, but not without me having to tackle him first.

Then there was the story when he cried and didn't want his Daddy to leave for work because he was going to miss him too much - now he goes off and spends the night with his friends.


It would sure be nice to put it on "pause" once in a while - just to remember, to take a moment to relive those special times. And then let it play again so you can create some more of those moments that, as a parent, make your heart just stop.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Sad Kyle Day

Saturday was Jacob's first sleepover at a friends house.

Kyle cried. He just wanted Jacob to be home with him and couldn't understand why Jacob had to go.

He cried and cried and fought with his Daddy.

"When is Jacob getting home?" he would ask over and over again.

We thought we would take him to the apple orchard for something fun. He kicked and screamed getting into the truck.

He cried crocodile tears the whole way there and cried some more when we got there and crossed his arms over the seatbelt so we couldn't take him out of the truck.

We took him to the movie store and rented some Diego movies to watch with him.

When the movies were over, he cried again.

He finally fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, he cried some more when he realized that Jacob still wasn't home and cried over and over again until Jacob walked through the door on Sunday.

When Jacob got home, tired and crabby from staying up WAY too late, Kyle told him he didn't even miss him anyway and he wished he would have just stayed at his friends house.


Sunday, May 04, 2008

2000 Flushes of Fun

Who would have ever guessed that when Mark went to the store to buy a toilet bowl cleaner that he would have purchased more laughs for the boys than any new toy they received in months!!

Mark picked up a pack of 2000 Flushes Blue for the toilet bowl and wanted to be sure after putting it in that Kyle knew that the water would be blue when he flushed it so he wasn't worried.

He called him into the bathroom to point it out and the laughs began! For the next 20 minutes he and Jacob laughed out loud discussing the color the water would be if they went pee or what if they went pee and poop!

Kyle immediately had to use the bathroom to check this out and cracked up when the water turned green after going pee!!

I guess the next time your children are bored and you are searching for something fun, pull out the 2000 Flushes and let them have the time of their lives!!