Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Another Year Gone By

Here I am, on the eve before my 32nd birthday, thinking about all that my children have taught me in the last year.

I have learned when your child plays tackle football, as a parent, you are on the edge of your seat every time they enter the game. A part of it is excitement hoping they do well to help their team, and the other part is fear that no one hurts your baby.

I have learned that when a child's teacher is expecting a baby the same time you are, that teacher will receive double the excitement and double the help as you - even though you are their mom.

I have learned that the child you least expect to be the cause behind a call from the principle's office for FIGHTING is the first one to expect after all.

I have learned that even though the bunny died months earlier, it is ok to cry and announce to everyone that you still miss your dead bunny.

I have learned that when a child loses someone special in their lives, that the pain of losing them is as fresh and real to them as it is to you many months down the road.

I have learned that according to an 8 year old, Texas is on the other side of the world.

I have learned that a rock can be the most beautiful discovery.

I have learned that when your brothers are in the room, your parent instantly becomes an invisible being.

I have learned that children will try really hard to make things come out of the noses of their brothers when they laugh.

I have learned that when you least expect your child to come through and help you, they are there, eager and willing to literally be your right hand.

I have learned that kids think it is fun to see what baby foods will get spit all the way across the room when the baby doesn't like them.

I have learned that only when their little brother is a baby will my older children ever fight over who gets to spend the most time with him.

I have learned that my 11 year old can hear me coming down the hall a lot better than my 8 year old when it's time for bed and they are still up talking.

I have learned that my children need to work on their whisper if they think they aren't going to get in trouble for talking in class from their teachers.

I have learned that when your child plays soccer, the first time they get hurt, that part of your body hurts too, only for a second, before your heart breaks when you see them in pain.

I have learned that nothing makes me smile more than coming home to a big "huggy" at the end of my day.

I have learned that I must be doing something right when I get a "Mommy, I just love you" at the end of my night before bed.

But most of all, I have learned that even when you have a bad night, there is nothing more precious then the feeling of love all of your children bring to your heart.

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