Thursday, July 09, 2009

Broken Hearted Little Boy

Divorce is hard on children of all ages. I remember when I went through my first divorce, my children, Travis and Alex, were so young then that it seemed to not affect them too much. I know now, as they have gotten older, it still affects them - every day.

My two little boys, Jacob and Kyle, are now facing the same thing as their Dad and I have realized that, though we love eachother, we just can't be together anymore.

The road has been hard and long already but we are finally getting along and for the kids, it seems to be making it better - as good as it can be.

Today, however, Jacob was broken hearted.

His broken heart was not caused by his Dad or myself this time though. It was caused by the woman whose children live upstairs from us.

There are 3 kids that live in the upstairs apartment from our home. They are 14, 10 and 9. From the day that we moved in all of the kids have played together so well.

Today, Jacob went upstairs, like any other day, to see if the oldest boy who he gets along with the best, Miguel, could play. Before I could turn around, he was running down the stairs crying his eyes out because he was told by Miguel's mom that he was too young to play with Miguel anymore. Even though they had just been outside last night til 9 p.m. playing together.

Funny how you can separate a family and kids seem to be o.k but tear apart friends, and watch their little hearts break right in two...

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