Thursday, January 06, 2005

Snow Day

So Mother Nature decided to dump about 5 inches of snow on us today. Of course, for those of us in the working world, this sucks - having to get up, shovel, and make it to work on time. Well, this didn't happen for me today as the plows decided to skip over our little country road today. So it was time for me to try to shovel out.

I was outside for about 5 minutes when the front door flew open "Mama! Mama! I am coming out to play with you!!"

That little boy had been sound asleep 5 minutes earlier... I couldn't believe he could be so wide awake and ready to play that quick - but he was.

I went inside and dug out his winter clothes and then Mark got him ready. 2 minutes later he was outside throwing snow at me.

We had fun.

I shoveled and he threw snow at me.

We laughed as we jumped around in the snow. It was really a great morning. But I still needed to get to work, so it had to end....

"Mama, can I go in and have some hot coffee now?"

No, I don't give my 4 year old coffee - he meant cocoa!

"Of course you can baby doll" I smiled at his little red cheeks and nose.

We went inside and I made him a cup of hot cocoa.

"Mama, you make the bestest hot cocoa" he smiled at me.

"Thank you buddy."

"You're welcome."

"Thank you for playing with Mama today - that was the best" I said to him.

"You're welcome," he said again and then gave me a big hug and kiss.

I think I like snow days.

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