Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Proud of Poopin'

Kyle, my sweet little two-year old, has begun that important phase in life - potty-training. We decided it was time when he would come up to us - look us in the eye and report proudly "I'm peeing".

"It's time" I would tell Mark.

The potty-training job was left to Mark - being the stay-at-home Dad and all. I don't think he was happy with the job, but he was prepared.

A few weeks into it - I would now have to say that he has done a remarkable job. Kyle will now tell you that he has to go potty - at least 5 times an hour. I think he thinks it is fun.

The latest thing for him, has been poopin' on the potty. He is so happy about this.

Just last week, Mark went to pick Jacob up from school. He walks into the school and waits by Jacob's classroom until he is finished and Kyle is always with him (of course).

One day, Jacob's teacher, Miss McConaghy, walked out of the classroom and talked to Kyle. He looked at her proudly and told her, "I can weed (read) too".

"Can you?" she smiled and asked him.

"Ah-huh" he smiled back, "and, I can go pee and poop on the potty!"

"Wow" she said, now smiling at Mark.

"Yep," he said proudly, "I did it today - two times".

"That's good" she said.

Mark said Kyle smiled all the way back to the car. In fact, he even stopped my friends, Michelle and Carrie to share the news - they gave him a high five! He thought he was so cool!

Who would ever think that anyone would be so proud to poop!

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