Thursday, December 16, 2004

The Middle of the Night

It's funny, I think it was a week ago now, but I haven't the time I used to have to tell the tales of my funny son, Jacob's perspective of an early morning.

Last week Friday morning, somewhere around 5 o'clock a.m., Jacob ran down the hall and climbed up into bed with Mark and I.

"Dada!" he yelled, waking up Mark.

"Dada, please get me some juice."

Mark grumbled a bit, but got up and got Jacob a cup of something to drink.

Both Mark and myself rolled back over, assuming that Jacob would soon drift back off to sleep as he usually does.

6 o'clock a.m. - my alarm clock goes off - (my alarm clock being Kyle). He is awake for his morning feeding. I sit up in bed to nurse him and who is laying next to me, twiddling his thumbs, watching the weather, WIDE AWAKE, but Jacob.

"Hi Mama" he smiles.

"Hi Silly" I smile back, "what are you doing?"

"Watching the news" he says.

I laugh. Feed Kyle and climb out of bed to wake up the older two boys for school. The bus comes to our house at 7 o'clock a.m. so it's early mornings for us.

I was in the kitchen with the boys, getting them breakfast, when all of a sudden I hear this little voice say, "Mama? What the heck. Why are my brothers eating breakfast in the middle of the night?"

I laugh. I look out the windows and it is in fact very dark at this time of the morning.

"Buddy, it's not the middle of the night," I tell him.

"Yes it is."




"Can I eat breakfast in the middle of the night too?" he asks me very slyly.

"I think that would be o.k" I tell him.

Jacob joins Travis and Alex at the table and you could just see by the look on his face that he thought he was getting away with something that wasn't right. It was so cute.

A few minutes later, it was time for Travis and Alex to leave for school. Afterwards, Jacob asked me, "Mama, would it be o.k if you and I snuggled on the couch and watched cartoonies in the middle of the night too?"

"Yes," I said.

"Really?" he asked.

"Mmm... I think so" I agreed, knowing I could use a little quiet time myself.

"That makes me so happy," Jacob smiled.

After we watched a few cartoonies, I needed to get up and get ready for work. But before I left for work, Jacob leaned over, gave me a kiss and a big hug and said, "Mama, tomorrow, do you think you and I could snuggle and watch cartoonies in the middle of the night again?"

I just smiled at him.

"You got it buddy" I told him.

"Goodie!" he said, "Because, Mama, I sure like the middle of the night with you."

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