When you feel like you're broken and everything is falling apart, get some Elmer's glue — with Jacob Romanowski.
I woke up to this post on facebook today.. in my heart, I loved it because my children have grown so close lately. Jacob and Alex used to hate eachother growing up. Yes, I used the word hate. A word I never wanted to use in my house. But Jacob was Mark's baby and he got everything and Alex got blamed for everything and learned to quickly despise the ground Jacob walked on. I never thought I would see the day that the two of them got along - but they do now.
Life has not been an easy road for my children - especially lately.
Alex is facing some pretty tough times ahead and I wish I could say that I understood them. I do know that I have been to blame for many of them - not by him, but by many others, and that is ok I guess. I know the real truth.
See, here is the thing, my children come from a broken home. Are you surprised? And we come from a home where money has never really been a part of our lives - like ever. So, as a mostly single mom most of their lives, I spent most of my life working my ass off to put food on their table and clothes on their back and a roof over their head and electricity in our home. I did my best to provide for them and to give them the things they needed and occasionally the things they wanted. I made some bad choices along the way - but what parent hasn't.
My children are good kids. They are growing and learning and trying to find their place in this life the best they can with the resources they have. they might also make some bad choices along the way but I know in my heart that deep down they are good kids and that they will learn from these choices and their mistakes. Each of them are broken.... but these days, who isn't broken. It's a rough world out their and in a conversation I had with my son Jacob the other night, he told me, "Mom, it's not that I don't want to think of my future but you just really never know what is going to happen - look at everything that has happened in our life - I want to just live for right now and not worry about what happened before this - that is my past, I can't do anything about it anymore"
He hasn't seen or heard from his Dad in nearly 5 years - I know he hurts. I know he is broken - but he tries every day to be strong and to move forward....
Life is hard.
We are all broken in some way -
I hope Elmer's has made enough glue for all of us....
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