Friday, April 12, 2013

And Then I Stopped Breathing...

Over  a year and a half ago, I discovered my son had considered committing suicide - not once, but 3 times or more...  after some professional help, and the use of a mild medication, he seemed to be doing much better....

A few months into his recovery, he met a girl that he really liked and soon after, they began to date...  he turned into the most amazing, happy child all over again.  As a Mom, I believed it was because he found that he was a great child and was amazing and believed in himself.... 

Tonight, I learned none of that was true....

A mother's nightmare revisited...

A broken heart and the realization that my son still does not see himself the way I see him...  He doesn't believe in himself and doesn't see himself with the confidence and the belief that I do.

I am broken. 

He is broken.

It's not her fault... it's young love and I understand that these things happen.... in fact, I guess I have always known that it was going to happen eventually.... but yet, here we are.... and there is he is - so broken and I don't know to fix him and I am so scared...


I beg of you....

Please keep him safe...

I need him.

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