Friday, July 16, 2004

Boys Will be Boys

Boys. I have been blessed with them. In fact, I have been blessed with 4 of
them. Four wonderful, funny, and completely different boys.

In my household, be outnumbered as I am, "girly" conversations just
don't occur. Though it dawned on me during dinner this evening, that I
will be spending the rest of my life listening to the likes of "boy"

Dinner tonight - topic of conversation: Making someone laugh so hard that

what they had just drank came out of their nose.

I am not joking.

We discussed the feel of Root Beer "Kind of tingly" (I guess), orange
juice (a little burning sensation) and how gross it is when it's
chocolate milk.

Then I found myself joining in the topic, only to make myself look like
a cool mom, and mentioned what it would look like if it was Green Apple
Arctic Cool Kool-Aid. To this, my children cracked up. Sometimes I can
be cool.

The next topic: How to Jacob, everything tastes like
Turkey. The funny thing is I don't think he really likes turkey that
much. But tonight, he claimed his roast beef tasted like
turkey and then later it was his ice cream. So I told him he tasted like a turkey. He told me I tasted like "poopy".

Yes, "poopy". This is Jacob's favorite thing. I guess when you are 4, poop is funny.

So, I decided to be funny too. I asked him, "So Jacob, how do you know what poopy tastes like?"

"Ewwwwww" all 3 of my children chimed in, "that's so gross mom".

I guess they are allowed to be gross, but I can't. Probably because I am a girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this one! Just like you, I sometimes look around "boy world" and wonder how in the world I will ever survive! I love it, and have learned a lot from them, but for some things, I think you need to be born with testosterone. Maybe we should go get the patch, just to see what it's like....