Sunday afternoon football... something his Daddy and I used to enjoy watching together. I found it hard last year to have any interest in it at all, and this year - I am back - at least a little bit.
I normally sit and watch part of the games and usually find myself getting up at half time and being "done" for the day. But yesterday, it was different.
Jacob was very cozy with me yesterday. I didn't read all the signs right, but he was definately in the mood for hanging out with mom. We watched football together and then just snuggled on the couch - watched Drake 'n Josh and then the Big Time Rush Christmas Special.... it was sweet.
I ran to my Dad's house for about 2 hours to do some laundry (our wash machine died :( earlier in the week) and by the time I returned, he had sent me 3 text messages inquiring when I would be back...
The last message told me that he didn't feel good.
Hmm.... I should have guessed that, but I didn't see it. I was too busy all day, soaking up the love and attention from my little boy that is growing so fast.... I missed all the signs.
By the time I got home he was running a fever and complained his throat hurt "really really" bad. My guess was that he likely had strep, as it was going around the schools. I figured I would need to figure out how to get him to the doctor the next day. The problem? I was scheduled to work a full day.
I spent the rest of the night trying to find someone, anyone, to cover my shift. I called 4 different stores and got the names of all the possible replacements and no one. Not one person could take my shift.
I gave Jacob the news and, well, he got a little bit... sad. Not that he doesn't like Dean, but he really would rather be at home with Mom.
I hugged him tight and told him not to fret. I would pray hard that something would work out by the morning and that I would see what I could do...
I was so heart broken... I cried myself to sleep too.
This morning, I woke Kyle up for school quietly. I didn't want to wake my snoring little goose Jacob up so early. I figured the sleep he was getting would be the best thing for him.
Dean volunteered to drive Kyle into town for school so I could climb back in bed... right before I reached the stairs, Jacob woke up. I told him to make himself comfy on the couch and try to get back to sleep and if he needed me, I would be in my bed for a little while.
I walked up the stairs, opened the curtain for my bedroom, climbed up on the bed and laid my head on the pillow... it was just what I needed when Jacob ran up the stairs crying...
"Mom, I just threw up!"
Yeah... he puked on the blanket on the couch. He didn't quite make it to the bathroom.
I instructed him to head to the bathroom... I don't know what my brain was thinking but it must have known the future because by the time he reached the bathroom, he threw up again.
By this time, i think I called one of my coworkers numbers like 3 times, in hopes she would answer and hope she could cover my shift... I could not leave this little boy alone today...
After tucking him in and assuring him again that I hadn't given up, I laid back down for a bit too.
And then... just like that, it all worked out. My shift got covered and I was able to spend the day with my not-so-little-anymore guy.
We had a good day together and he seemed to be feeling better. Although as the end of the day approached, he complained of his throat again.
I called the doctor and got him in right away...
I knew they would need to take a swab of his throat and I knew personally how much those sucked but I tried to convince him he would be fine.
Well, let's just say, it didn't go very well and just when I thought my little boy was all grown up and didn't need his Mom anymore, he most definately needed me.
And I was there.
I was there to hold his hand and to brush his hair from his forehead... just as I did when he was little.
There have been so many times in my life that I kick myself for not being there enough. I missed so many days because I had to always work...
But he still needs me and he still loves me and the greatest part of all is that he knows that no matter what, he will always have me too.