Wednesday, June 01, 2005

My Growing Boy

Once upon a time I had a little boy...

Today, he was "gettin' bigger, bigger, you know". This is what he tells me. And he is.

Today was his first visit to the dentist. I know, he should have gone sooner, but, nonetheless, he went today.

On the way there, we passed a gravel pit.

"Mama, when I grow bigger, I want to work there."

"Really? Why is that?"

"Because, I could play in the dirt all day. It would be so much fun Mama. And you know what else Mama? I could hunt for all my favorite rocks!"

"Wow, that does sound like fun."

"It will be. It will be so cool."

Hmmm... my little baby, already wondering about what he'll be when he grows up. I just want him to still be my baby.

Then we pull into the parking stall across the street from the dentist office. I stop the car and he hops out. Sometimes I forget that he has the whole seatbelt thing figured out, and he can even get the door open all by himself.

"Mama, just so you know, you don't even have to hold my hand until we get to the street. I am not a baby anymore you know."

"I know buddy. You remind me a lot."

"I know I do, but I have to, because I am a bigger boy."

"I know."

We got to the dentist office and I got him checked in. On the way in to get his teeth cleaned, he looked up at me and said, "Mama, you can hold my hand now, I think I would like that."

I just smiled, took his hand, and thought to myself "I think I would like that too."